At no time have we faced uncertainty at such a global level.
What will we do, how will we make money? Questions that most people are asking themselves now. Does our Business model have to change, or should we wait out what happens?
It is not a bad idea to be pro-active and start thinking about change that might impact us drastically. How can we change our current Business Model to work in this new environment?
Can we move our services online?
This is not just a question now, but has been waiting at the doorstep for a while. We are now forced to ACTION! We might have to have virtual meetings via gotomeetme for our meetings, or lead a meditation via Zoom or hold training sessions.
Most recently MaddoxDesign created an Online Platform for Jennifer Maraccini, a Kundalini Yoga and Meditation teacher. Her Sales have soared months before the Corona Virus hit and she is now ready for the Future!